Application Process

CCSD uses a consistent process to define, approve and implement a set of selection criteria that are consistent with all Head Start Performance Standards and ensure we are providing services to children and families most in need.

Our selection criteria are closely linked to Community Assessment data as well as our strategic planning process. Annually, the CCSD program staff revisits these criteria to ensure they reflect the most recent information from the Community Assessment, then submits them to the Policy Committee for review and approval. CCSD’s selection criteria fall into the following categories:

 Income
 Age
 Parental Status (e.g., teenage parent or single-parent family)
 Special Needs (diagnosed or suspected)
 Social Service Needs
 Employment
 Other (e.g., parent work/school, previous childcare experience, siblings in program)

The Selection Criteria tool contains from three to seven descriptors in each of the categories above, with each descriptor assigned a point value. Point values are intended to reflect CCSD’s enrollment priorities, and are updated at least annually to ensure they reflect any changes, e.g., in demographics. We use this tool to evaluate each application to the (E)HS program.

Total point values on the selection criteria are used to rank applicants in order of priority for enrollment—as well as to ensure that 10% of total enrollment opportunities are given to children with disabilities.